What is Hulu?

What is Hulu? A fair question, one we intend to answer as we dive into what shows you can watch on the service and how much it costs

What is Hulu? - the Hulu logo and a thinking face in front of a yellow background

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What is Hulu? How do I keep up with the Kardashians? Well, luckily for you, the answers to those questions go hand-in-hand as Hulu is how you can stay up to date with that eccentric family, and this guide tells you what else you can expect from the service, as well as how much it costs.

Though if spending time with Kardashians sounds about as much fun to you as a colonoscopy, you might want to see what’s on offer in our what is Netflix? and what is Paramount Plus? guides. We also have what is Trello?, what is Zoom?, what is Spotify?, and what is Apple Arcade? content if you want to see what other subscriptions are out there.

Anyway, let’s answer the pressing question, what is Hulu?

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What is Hulu?

Hulu is a subscription service that provides thousands upon thousands of TV episodes for you to watch across many popular shows, though it’s fair to say that the platform specialises in reality TV thanks to the likes of Keeping up with the Kardashians and all the Real Housewives variations. In fact, there’s so many of the latter that I don’t even think they’re real anymore.

However, it’s worth noting that this is an American service, though our sister site, The Digital Fix, does have a guide that explains how to watch Hulu in the UK.

How much is Hulu?

There are a couple of subscription options for Hulu:

  • Hulu with ads costs $7.99 per month
    • Students can get it for $1.99 per month
  • Hulu with no ads costs $14.99 per month, though some shows are unavailable due to the lack of ads (paying more for less seems odd to us, but what do we know)

You can also choose between two Hulu and live TV plans:

  • Hulu with ads, live TV, Disney Plus (no ads), and ESPN Plus (with ads) costs $69.99 per month, though only current subscribers of this package can get it now
  • Hulu with no ads, live TV, Disney Plus (no ads), and ESPN Plus (with ads) costs $82.99 per month

Alternatively, if you’ve no interest in live TV, you can:

  • Add ESPN Plus to your Hulu subscription for $9.99 per month
  • Add Disney Plus with ads for $2 per month

There you have it, an answer to the question, what is Hulu? Should you now want to give it a go, you can check out our Hulu download guide.