Ensemble Stars Music Busy Valentine’s Day campaign has hearts racing

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to show your favourite idols how much you adore them in the Busy Valentine’s Day campaign

Ensemble Stars Music Valentine's Day: Two Enstars idols, one with pink hair in a white suit and one with brown hair in a red military-esque uniform, on a pink background with pastel geometric elements.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year for adorable updates to idol games, and Ensemble Stars Music is no different. The Enstars Busy Valentine’s Day campaign is now live, offering players sweet login rewards and the opportunity to unlock limited-time voice lines for your favourite idols.

In this event you can make Valentine’s Day chocolates for your best boys to show them how much you love them. You can either make ordinary chocolates or favourite chocolates for your idols to unlock different limited voice lines. Even if you unlock all of the limited voice lines, you can continue to spread the love by giving chocolates to staff members in exchange for training items.

During the campaign you can unlock a limited Valentine’s Day special performance for the Melty♡Kitchen and Valentine Eve’s Nightmare cards and participate in the Valentine’s Handshake event to earn double fans for your idols.

If you’re a fan of collecting furniture for your idol room, you’ll be pleased to know that all Valentine’s Day furniture is discounted in the shop until February 28 and the seasonal Weird Kitchen furniture set is now available.

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That’s all you need to know about the Enstars Busy Valentine’s Day campaign. Check out our list of Ensemble Stars Music cards for more about your favourite husbandos.