T3 Arena winter update brings festive fun with a new map and skins

The December T3 Arena update brings the Winterland treatment to this mobile shooter, adding a strangely cheese-related new map and more

T3 Arena winter update: Three T3 Arena characters in winter skins cuddled up in front of a wooden cabin in the snow.

Following the addition of new characters and game modes over the past few months, the latest T3 Arena update gives the hero shooter the Winterland treatment. Players can look forward to a new map, winter skins, and a new festive theme song to accompany them as they compete.

The new map, Emmental, is inspired by the Swiss Alps (not the cheese) and offers players an expansive winter wonderland to explore. The map features warm wooden lodges, massive pine trees and – even though the map isn’t named after it – a cheese factory! The existing maps will also receive a winter mode to bring the Winterland feel to the whole game.

T3 Arena’s winter update also brings with it a new community event called “Heat It Up”. You must restore power to town by showing their festive cheer and gifting fellow players’ hearts after matches. This fills the Global Heat metre and goes towards unlocking rewards for everyone, including an exclusive item called the Frame of Heat.

The “Heat It Up” event starts on December 15, but the December update is available now for players to dive into.

There you have it – everything you need to know about T3 Arena’s Winterland update. Why not check out our list of the best mobile shooters and add some more to your Christmas kill list?