Dumb Ways to Die TikTok song fuels mobile game revival

The Dumb Ways to Die TikTok trend is directing people to the 2013 mobile title, with the revival rocking it to the top of the iOS charts

Screenshot of the Dumb Ways to Die characters for Dumb Ways to Die TikTok news

The Dumb Ways to Die TikTok trend is bringing the 2013 mobile game back to life, with the title currently topping the iOS charts for the most popular free-to-play titles. Currently sitting above popular games like Genshin Impact, Pokémon Go, and Clash Royale, this upsurge in popularity is another sign of how influential TikTok is becoming in the wider culture, with gaming not left out.

If you don’t know, the Melbourne branch of Metro Trains released the Dumb Ways to Die game as an extension of their advertising campaign over ten years ago, famous for its quaint little tune and gratuitous depictions of random deaths. Now, the Dumb Ways to Die theme is fuelling a TikTok meme format, reminding viewers of the fun little mobile title.

The original release of Dumb Ways to Die was an interesting viral case study of its own, without even approaching the renewed popularity all these years later. Still, if it means some funny TikToks, cute minigames, and, you would hope, the original desired effect of educating people on the precariousness of life, then we’ll take it.

February seems to be an interesting month for the iOS charts, with Dumb Ways to Die taking the top spot from another unlikely hit, Chess.com’s chess app. Chess has been increasing in popularity since the COVID lockdown era, but I still don’t think I’d have believed you if you told me this time last year that both the royal game and Dumb Ways to Die would be outperforming major mobile titles.

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There you have it, all you need to know about the Dumb Ways to Die TikTok trend fuelling a new interest in the mobile game. If dying over and over again is your favourite genre, be sure to check out our picks for the best games like Dark Souls and the best games like Hades.