Wild Rift tier list July 2023

We rank every champion in our League of Legends Wild Rift tier list, do you know which character to use while you play. Updated for May.

With League of Legends: Wild Rift worldwide, you probably want to know which champions have transitioned well to the mobile adaptation during the open beta. We’ve split our League of Legends Wild Rift tier list up into sections that show the best top laners, mid laners, junglers, and dragon laners. This means you can easily find a champion that meets your needs, or just browse through the sections to see where each character fits. Unfortunately, not every League of Legends character has arrived in Wild Rift, so if your favourite hasn’t made the cut, you can use our tier list to find a suitable replacement.

If you want to know more about the game’s roster, we’ve compiled some handy information about all of the League of Legends: Wild Rift champions. For those of you out there who are brand new to the MOBA, make sure you check out our League of Legends: Wild Rift guide for handy tips and to find out what sets the title apart from its PC counterpart.

Now, let’s take a look at our League of Legends Wild Rift tier list, separated into each role.

Teemo dressed up as a bunny painting an Easter egg

Wild Rift Top / Baron lane

Tier Wild Rift Champion
S Camille, Fiora, Garen, Sett, Renekton, Riven, Gragas, Irelia, Wukong
A Akali, Darius, Kennen, Malphite, Pantheon, Graves, Nasus, Shen, Jayce, Dr. Mundo, Olaf
B Jarvan IV, Jax, Singed, Tryndamere
C Teemo, Kayle

Ahri summoning a ball of light

Wild Rift Mid lane

Tier Wild Rift Champion
S Akali, Ahri, Diana, Katarina, Ziggs, Zed, Karma, Orianna, Gragas, Ekko, Corki
A Aurelion Sol, Brand, Galio, Yasuo, Jayce Twisted Fate, Akshan, Fizz, Lucian, Morgana, Renekton, Veigar
B Lux, Pantheon, Zed, Annie, Seraphine
C Kayle

A girl sitting in front of horse statues

Wild Rift Jungle

Tier Wild Rift Champion
S Evelynn, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Morgana, Graves, Vi, Fiora
A Amumu, Master Yi, Gragas, Olaf, Rengar, Shyvana, Vi, Xin Zhao, Wukong, Pantheon, Jarvan IV
B Sett, Rammus, Riven, Shyvana, Tyndamere
C Dr Mundo, Amumu

A shrunken bull in a cow costume escaping from a full size pug

Wild Rift Dragon lane support

Tier Wild Rift Champion
S Lulu, Braum, Janna, Nami, Yuumi, Thresh, Morgana, Karma
A Leona, Alistar, Rakan, Seraphine, Senna, Galio, Shen, Sett
B Blitzcrank, Sona, Lux, Soraka
C Amumu

A man in a white suit with a flying cat-like creature

Wild Rift Dragon lane marksman

Tier Wild Rift Champion
S Ezreal, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Xayah, Lucian, Tristana, Jhin
A Draven, Morgana, Ashe, Tristana, Varus, Karma, Corki, Ziggs, Seraphine
B Akshan, Jhin, Vayne, Miss Fortune, Brand, Veigar
C Senna

There you have it – our comprehensive League of Legends Wild Rift tier list. The rankings will likely change with future updates, so keep this page bookmarked and be sure to check back from time to time. For more of our rank choices, check out our Genshin Impact tier list.