Winter ends early with Ensemble Stars Music spring-themed events

The idols from Ensemble Stars Music are here to cheer you up during this cold winter season, with new cards, decorations, and events to take part in

Ensemble Stars Music spring: Close up of a grey-haired boy from EnStars petting a baby deer and extending his hand to the viewer.

Winter can be a cold and bleak time for a lot of people, so the EnStars are giving players a series of Ensemble Stars Music spring-themed events throughout January and February to cheer up the season.

The first gift is the Whisper of the Spring Scout gacha, which is set to feature four limited event cards that are only available during this event. The gacha runs from January 17 to 31, and you have a higher chance of pulling the new cards throughout. 

The line-up includes a new five-star card for Izumi Sena called ‘Ballad of Spring Tales’, four-star ‘Bouncing Spring Moon’ Nazuna Nito, and two new three-star cards for Kaoru Hakaze and Souma Kanzaki.

There is also an accompanying log in campaign where you can claim 2,000 diamonds, a limited scene, and other bonuses by playing the game each day. Meanwhile, new spring-themed bonus packs are hitting the shop, as well as a new seasonal furniture set for your idol office called ‘Fluffy Dream’.

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The Embracing Spring and Starry Stage events give higher drops for idol training materials and allow you to cheer on the starry stage with your fellow players to unlock rewards for everyone. You can also get a free lucky dice through logging in to win more prizes.

That’s everything you need to know about the Ensemble Stars Music spring-themed events. If you like idol rhythm games, check out our Project Sekai cards guide.