Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Shulk and Rex reveal stirs up fan theories

Xenoblade Chronicles 3’ Shulk and Rex reveal left some fans scratching their heads, but others already have some idea of how the old protagonists may arrive.

Gigachad Rex from the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Shulk and Rex teaser reveal for the DLC. He is a man with spiky hair, small pointy chin-beard, and old fashioned blue and black armour, looking fierce.

There’s DLC on the way for Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and some people sure are excited. While some minor updates come in the expansion pass, the large-scale story addition in April is the main attraction.

In the first teaser, we see the first game’s protagonist Shulk cry, “why, is this really what you want?” Then, an older, grizzled Rex from XC2 says “nothing’s gonna get through to him, he’s a heartless machine’, before we get a look at Matthew, a character who sure looks like Noah from XC3. If you need more of a refresher, check out our Nintendo Direct February 2023 roundup, or head below to watch the teaser.

Following that, we got a full release date and extended look at different characters and story segments in the news DLC, title Future Redeemed. You can see all the DLC revealed so far in our Xenoblade Chronicles 3 expansions pass roundup.

Basically, the question on everyone’s lips is “how?” How are Shulk and Rex there, staring up at this glowing Alvis, the antagonist from the first game? How can Shulk look largely the same, while Rex has grown up about forty years by the looks of it? Well, no one really knows, but some megafans are concocting theories.

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But the first port of call is, of course, a little confusion. “The most infuriating part about all this is, thanks to the nature of XC3, we still have no clue whether the new campaign is a prequel or sequel,” says Animan_10.

Well, Kostya_M might have the answer; “I have had this theory for a while. Basically, we play as the Founders’ original selves before being grown as soldiers. The main events are after 3 but they’ll get flashes of memory from their many lives on Aionios.”

Red_Naxela_ follows up: “That could make sense, as Shulk has both arms and Rex has both eyes in this image. Or it could just be right before they get their shit wrecked.” For context, the founders’ statues in the City in XC3 depict Shulk and Rex, except the former has lost an arm, the latter an eye.

Anyway, check out the full thread for yourself to get involved with the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Shulk and Rex theorising. For more Nintendo Switch goodness, check out our thoughts on Splatoon 3: Side Order, the new chunk of single-player content for the inky shooter.