How to get to Harvestella Shatolla

Head off on a vacation slash adventure in the beautiful seaside town of Harvestella's Shatolla, and avoid getting lost on the way with this handy guide

A landscape shot of Harvestella Shatolla, a seaside town made up of beaches, coral, and pal trees

Working out how to get to Harvestella Shatolla can be surprisingly tricky. Though the overworld map isn’t all that big, time moves quickly as you’re wandering around it, and with locations blocking your exploration until you make it through them for the first time, It can be all too easy to waste most of a day running around trying to figure out where to go. But have no fear, tour guide PT is here to help you find your way.

For more Harvestella help, check out our Harvestella seasons, Harvestella crops, Harvestella Conellu Dolls, and Harvestella bomb recipe guides. We’ve also got info on all the Harvestella machines, so you can up your processing power while out on an adventure.

How to get to Harvestella Shatolla

When looking at the quest description for chapter 3B, it tells you to head to the seaside town of Shatolla in the West. As such, nobody would blame you for leaving Bird’s Eye Brae and heading to the left of the map in search of this new location, but you won’t find Shatolla over there.

Instead, you need to head down through the Jade Forest below Lethe and Bird’s Eye Brae. Upon entering, you get a short cutscene showing a young girl and a man talking – both of which play a major role in chapter 3B.

You need to head right through the Jade Forest dungeon and head out of the bottom to get to Shatolla. After that, you can run straight through the Jade Forest and head to Shatolla on the overworld map. This run takes up quite a lot of your in-game day, so it’s a good idea to pick up the Totokaku from the Conellu Emporium in Lethe if you plan on heading back and forth frequently.

Harvestella Shatolla dungeon, Coral Shrine

Harvestella Shatolla dungeon

The Harvestella Shatolla dungeon is called Coral Shrine. You visit it after progressing through the 3B questline. Taking place in an underwater shrine, it features a variety of weird and wonderful creatures, along with water-based puzzles such as fountains that help you reach new areas, and pools that you have to drain to get past.

You initially access Coral Shrine by Heine’s submarine. After that, the submarine appears on the overworld map when you approach Shatolla’s coast, so you can hop back into the dungeon without having to go through the town.

That’s all you need to know about getting to Harvestella’s Shatolla. Before you head off on your new adventure, be sure to check out our Harvestella jobs guide to learn all about the different fighting styles you can adopt or our Harvestella cooking guide, so you have plenty of snacks for the journey.