How to get Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed

With our Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed guide, you can learn how to get the ingredient for cooking, or how to craft an item with it

Disney Dreamlight Valley's Ariel and Eric on the beach celebrating Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed

Welcome to a whole new world known as Disney Dreamlight Valley, where you can make new lifelong friends, rebuild a once beautiful town, and enjoy a range of activities such as fishing and Disney Dreamlight Valley cooking. Of course, there’s also an important matter that you need to resolve, as a being known as The Forgetting is causing all kinds of mayhem in the valley. However, to make this once great place special again, you need to get a bit crafty.

There’s a certain ingredient that plays a pivotal role in completing certain quests and creating various items, and that’s Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed. In this guide, we explain how you can get some, as well as what you can use it for. Fortunately, it’s one of the first crafting items you can discover in the valley.

However, should you think of yourself as more of a chef than a fisherman, you can check out our Disney Dreamlight Valley crudites and Disney Dreamlight Valley ratatouille recipe guides. Or, to learn more about your new neighbours, take a look at our Disney Dreamlight Valley characters, Disney Dreamlight Valley realms, and Disney Dreamlight Valley gifts guides.

Anyway, here’s everything you need to know about Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed.

Disney Dreamlight Valley crafting screen with a quizzical character

What is Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed?

Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed is an item you can find throughout the valley, and while it might seem like a pointless item at first glance, it can come in handy for a number of reasons.

How do I get Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed?

You have a couple of options if you want to get some seaweed:

  • Fishing in any pool of water, but not in the white, orange, and blue circles
  • On the ground near the sea on the beach

How do I use Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed?

There are a couple of ways to use Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed:

  • It is a cooking ingredient that you can use in a range of recipes
  • If you take it to a crafting table, you can turn it into fibre, an item you need to repair boats

There you have it, everything you need to know about Disney Dreamlight Valley seaweed. If you’re after more crafting materials, check out our Disney Dreeamlight Valley clay content, or Disney Dreamlight Valley mushrooms for a cooking ingrediant. To find out what else is going on, have a look at our Disney Dreamlight Valley events guide.