Tower of Fantasy ruins guide

Tower of Fantasy ruins are dungeons that can net you big rewards, but with different difficulty caps and locations, it’s a lot to get your head around

Art from Tower of Fantasy showing a red-haired character in a black jumpsuit in an action pose, sword out to her side post-slashing.

Tower of Fantasy is like a dystopic Genshin Impact to some, but to others, it has become a mainstay of their gaming day, unique on its own terms. Either way you look at it, it’s a hit, and there are many players grinding away to get the best stuff for the game.

One way to do that is to start exploring Tower of Fantasy ruins. These dungeons are dotted all around Aesperia, and offer heaps of handy rewards, including relics, matrices, currencies, exploration points, and more – there’s a lot to choose from. With 15 different ruins across five different areas, you need to know where to go to get what you want.

So, head down below to see all the ruins, their locations, level caps for different difficulties, and the rewards therein. Once you’re wrapped up down there, head elsewhere, with our Tower of Fantasy tier list, Tower of Fantasy characters, Tower of Fantasy map, and Tower of Fantasy co-op guides.

Tower of Fantasy ruins rewards

Alongside the relics listed below, you can also earn upgrade materials from completing Tower of Fantasy ruins. Plus, there are chests in each ruin with specific rewards inside, so be sure to clear out every corner of the ruin to find all the goodies.

A menu from Tower of Fantasy showing five menu options (from left to right): Daily Bounty, with the outline of a man in the picture below; World Exploration, with a woman looking up at a globe away from us in the picture below; Ruins, with a futuristic triangle of light in the picture below; Sign-in, with a calendar below; and Mia's Kitchen, with the picture of a girl with blonde hair in a black outfit below.

Tower of Fantasy ruins locations

Thanks to the folks over at Game8, we’ve got a list of the level-caps and relics available in each Tower of Fantasy ruin. To find their location, click the crossed sword icon at the top of the page and go to your adventure book, then head to the recommended tab. From there, go to the ruins tab, and hit ‘go’ on the ruin you want to explore to start tracking it on the map.

A menu from Tower of Fantasy showing various dungeons on the left hand side (from top to bottom): Ruins A-01 Ruins A-02 Ruins A-03 Clear EXPLORE I INS Clear • EXPLORE THE RUINS Clear EXPLORE THE RUINS Ruins B-01 EXPLORE THE RUINS Ruins B-02.

Astra Tower of Fantasy ruins

Ruins Relics Level-caps (easy/normal/hard)
A-01 Missile Barrage 11/25/36
A-02 Strange Cube 15/28/40
A-03 Omnium Handcannon 18/28/40

Banges Tower of Fantasy ruins

Ruins Relics Level-caps (easy/normal/hard)
B-01 Jetpack Shard 21/34/49
B-02 Magnetic Storm Shard 24/42/58
B-03 Courant Shard 27/45/61

Navia Tower of Fantasy ruins

Ruins Relics Level-caps (easy/normal/hard)
C-01 Hovercannon Shard 29/48/62
C-02 Lava Bomb Shard 31/50/63
C-03 Magnetic Pulse Shard 33/52/64

Crow Tower of Fantasy ruins

Ruins Relics Level-caps (easy/normal/hard)
D-01 Omnium Shield Shard 35/53/65
D-02 Confinement Shard 37/54/66
D-03 Type V Armour Shard 39/55/67

Warren Tower of Fantasy ruins

Ruins Relics Level-caps (easy/normal/hard)
E-01 Spacetime Rift Shard 41/57/68
E-02 Colossus Arm Shard 43/59/69
E-03 Hologram Projector Shard 47/60/70

That’s all we’ve got for Tower of Fantasy ruins. For more, check out our Tower of Fantasy Nemesis, Tower of Fantasy Crow, and Tower of Fantasy Shiro guides.