Rocks are taking over Marvel Snap and we love it

Marvel Snap rocks are often a nuisance, but some new locations are making a mockery of meta decks by powering up those lowly stones

Custom image of one of the Marvel Snap rocks on a savage land season background

The latest craze in Second Dinner’s superhero card game isn’t one of its Avengers icons, nor is it a villain of galactic repute, but the humble Marvel Snap rocks, and you know what? We’re here for it.

If you don’t know, Marvel Snap rocks are the equivalent of Hearthstone’s minions or Yu-Gi-Oh’s tokens, a predominantly useless card type with 0 power in most conditions. However, conditions are a bit different in the Savage Land season, with a bunch of locations either offering you rocks, forcing rocks onto you, or in some cases, powering up your rocks. So unless you prepare your deck for dealing with some overgrown stones, you might be stuck between, well, a rock and a hard place.

Of course, you can plan around the rock-orientated spotlight locations, with Patriot decks especially popular at the minute. Patriot boosts the power of no-ability cards by two points, and Mystique can double that effect, leading you to a position with a field full of four power rocks. If you don’t believe us, just check out our Patriot set in our Marvel Snap decks guide and give that a go before the end of the season. You won’t regret it.

The dominance of Marvel Snap rocks is so prevalent at the minute that even the Marvel Snap Reddit is littered with posts about the mechanic. One particular meme even has some hilarious concept locations surrounding Snap fans’ theory that Second Dinner head Ben Brode is obsessed with rocks, with locations like Rock Garden, where you can only play rocks, or Dwayne’s Domain, which adds a rock to your hand. We’d love to see these designs in-game, but considering Dwayne Johnson would have to sign on, we don’t expect to see it happen any time soon.

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There you have it, all you need to know about the influx of Marvel Snap rocks. To see what you might be able to use to counter the old stones, check out our Marvel Snap cards guide.