Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date speculation

Our Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date guide shines light on the upcoming KH mobile title, from its beta to its trailers and gameplay

Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date: A screenshot of a blonde-haired child wearing a white tricorn hat and uniform.

What a time to be a Kingdom Hearts fan, as not only did Square Enix confirm Kingdom Hearts 4 is on the way as part of the KH 20th anniversary celebration, but that a mobile title is too, and we can’t wait for the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date. The fact a new KH game is coming to the small screen is enough to have us grab our keyblades and dive back into previous games to fight the Heartless.

If, like us, you love Square Enix’s franchise, you likely want to know what the KH Missing-Link release date is, and luckily for you, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile all of the handy information about the game that you need to know, including its launch, trailer, and story. We also have a Kingdom Hearts keyblade guide, so you know which weapon to invest in – we’re going to give a shout out to the Happy Gear.

Anyway, here’s everything you need to know about the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link.

Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date speculation

For now, there’s no Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date. However, if we hear any rumours, you can be sure that we’ll update this guide as soon as more details come to light.

Is there a Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link trailer?

Of course there is, and not only do you get to watch the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link trailer in the anniversary announcement video below, but the official trailer for Kingdom Hearts 4 as well.

YouTube Thumbnail

What’s the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link story?

Currently, there aren’t too many details on what to expect from Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link’s story. However, we do know that it allows you to travel into the real world, and you embark from Scala ad Caelum. Naturally, this original story features the Heartless as you battle them once more.

Related: Kingdom Hearts 4 release date rumours and speculation from our sister site

What are the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link platforms?

Fortunately, it doesn’t matter what mobile platform you use, as Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link is coming to both iOS and Android devices.

What do we know about Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link gameplay?

Thanks to some translated tweets from the Kingdom Hearts Dark Road Japanese Twitter account (thanks KH13!), we finally have some information on Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link’s gameplay.

There are two ways to control your player character – GPS Mode and Pad Mode. GPS Mode is very similar to Pokémon Go where your character moves as you do. You can engage in battles to earn AP, and there’s a Hands-Free Mode where battles are automatic.

Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date: A screenshot from the Japanese KH Dark Road Twitter showing a graphic of a person going outside to move their character on the game map. The text above and below is in Japanese.

Pad Mode allows you to move your character using a pad on your device’s screen, but this mode uses AP to engage in battles and open treasure chests.

We also know that there will be Area Quests and Area Bosses to encounter on the map.

When is the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link closed beta?

The Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link closed beta has started in Japan for iPhone users and will end on January 18. We’re not sure when a worldwide closed beta will be happening. Bookmark this page to find out when it does happen!

There you have it, everything we know about the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link release date. While you wait for it, you might want to play something with a similar feel. In which case, you should head to our lists of the best Final Fantasy games and Disney games – Kingdom Hearts is essentially a combination of the two, after all.

We also have a Kingdom Hearts Switch review, in case you want to hear about how amazing the series is, and why you shouldn’t play it on Switch.