MWC 2023: Hands-on with super-speed tech at the RealMe GT3 launch

We’re on the ground covering all the updates out of MWC 2023 in Barcelona, including today’s official launch of the new RealMe GT3

Image from the RealMe GT3 launch conference of a speaker

If you’re a fan of a quick-charging phone, you’re going to want to check this one out. We went to the RealMe GT3 launch, with the tech brand bringing its super-speed 240w charging into the market.

Yes, you heard that right, the RealMe GT3 240w charging capacity is the new goalpost for the industry, with the fresh device going straight to the top of charging charts. As the RealMe team were keen to point out, this wattage was unimaginable just a few years ago, but now, it’s a reality.

If you need an example of how quickly the RealMe GT3 can charge, it needs just a 30-second boost to power a two-hour phone call, or 80 seconds to charge from 0-20%. There’s good news for gamers too, with the GT3 charging from 0-100% in just 17 minutes while playing a 60FPS MOBA title. Those are some pretty serious numbers, and if you’re anything like me and wander about with 20% battery for most of your life, you should be interested by now.

Our reporter Ben is at MWC 2023 and got an early hands-on with the Realme GT3. From the outside, it looks pretty similar to any Realme phone, with a textured back cover and a big bright screen. That screen runs at 144Hz so all the OS animations are super smooth. However, while the brand makes a big deal of the glass cover over the RGB light being free of any imperfections, it just looks like any old glass to me. The in-built light can notify you of different things which is kinda neat — though not exactly as revolutionary as the company may think. However, one place it does push things forward is charging.

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The Realme GT3 is the fastest charging phone you can buy, as we said earlier, going to full charge in under nine minutes. Wowza, that’s fast, and seeing it in action is cool and all — though I do wonder if we’ve hit the point of diminishing returns with fast charging. In terms of photography, we never had the chance to give Realme cameras a proper go before, but the GT3’s looks really impressive in our little hands-on test. It does find a bit more colour where there isn’t any, though this may be to your liking.

Overall, it’s a neat little package in the hand, though with the star of the show being fast charging and not much else, the company could be making the same mistake OnePlus made last generation. We’ll just have to wait and see. If you’re looking to purchase a RealMe GT3 device, the company revealed the price point for the base version at the event, with the RealMe GT3 8GB+128GB costing $649. This was popular with the live crowd, who spontaneously cheered during the price reveal.

Image of white and black RealMe GT3 models

There you have it, our hands-on experience with the RealMe GT3 from the launch event at MWC 2023. For more on the latest mobile technology, check out our coverage of the Honor Magic5 launch and the OnePlus foldable smartphone reveal.