Genshin Impact Pulcinella

What do we know about Genshin Impact’s Pulcinella - one of the evil organisation of people called the Fatui Harbingers hailing from Snezhnaya.

Genshin Impact Pulcinella as seen in the Winter Night's Lazzo trailer

Not much is known about Genshin Impact’s Pulcinella, and the crumbs we’ve been given sadly don’t provide much else. For instance, his namesake in the Commedia Dell’arte is the ‘chicken-shaped man’, he schemes a lot, and is cunning – but then, aren’t all the Fatui Harbingers like that? Anyway, here is what we know about the bespectacled character.

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Who is Genshin Impact’s Pulcinella?

Pulcinella, known as The Rooster, is the fifth of the Genshin Impact Fatui Harbingers. While we don’t know what he does quite yet, we do know he holds great power.

His first appearance was in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline preview, in the Snezhnaya section. This is after appearances from every region such as Genshin Impact’s Diluc and Genshin Impact’s Cyno. The description of the video is what gave us his name, too.

We don’t get to see much here, though – Pulcinella sits on a throne surrounded by classic Fatui enemies, but has his face blacked out. Whether this means that the team hadn’t drawn his face yet, or hints towards something else, we aren’t sure.

Genshin Impact's Pulcinella surrounded by enemies on an icy throne

Pulcinella then appears in the Winter Night’s Lazzo interlude trailer, with most of the other Genshin Impact Fatui Harbingers. Here we see his full appearance and clothing, including a fancy top hat and glasses.

The real interest in Pulcinella comes because of his appearance. He looks nothing like any existing character, sporting a long nose and pointed ears similar to Genshin Impact’s Klee and Genshin Impact Nahida’s. This could pertain to his origins and theirs – both of which are shrouded in mystery.

His starkly different appearance casts doubt over whether he will become a playable unit in the future, as he would require a new model entirely – unless, of course, he goes through some sort of transformation into a younger, or different-looking self.

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In terms of what he’s done and been up to, we know that Pulcinella personally recruited Genshin Impact’s Childe into the Fatui Harbingers after seeing his bloodthirst and strength in battle. In order for this to happen, he claimed that his servitude to the Tsaritsa was ‘punishment’.

Speaking of Tartaglia, Genshin Impact Scaramouche’s voice lines hint towards the possibility that Pulcinella has some tricks up his sleeve, and is not the kind soul that Childe assumes he is. Childe’s younger brother and sister send letters claiming they’re receiving help from The Rooster, but according to Scaramouche, his reasons are sinister, and he in fact has Childe’s entire family “in his hands”.

Will Genshin Impact’s Pulcinella be playable?

Due to his debut in the Teyvat Chapter preview, people assume Pulcinella will be a playable character in the future. However, he appears differently than all the others – he’s cloaked in shadows and surrounded by pre-existing Fatui enemies, meaning we can’t see him clearly. This could suggest he will not in fact become playable in the future.

Who are Genshin Impact Pulcinella’s voice actors?

Pulcinella’s English voice actor is Dave B. Mitchell, and in Japanese, he’s voiced by Chō. In the Chinese dub, he’s played by Wang Xiaobing, and in Korean, his VA is Kang Koo-han.

Wanna get further into the Harbinger’s details? Check out Genshin Impact’s Capitano, Genshin Impact’s Dottore, and the Cryo Archon herself, Genshin Impact’s Tsaritsa.