Mobile game Path to Nowhere pre-registration is now open

Path to Nowhere pre-registration is now open, and the mobile game invites you to explore a dark world that features a mix of gacha, RPG, and strategy

Three Sinners walking down a dark corridor towards Path to Where pre-registration

Another day, another mobile game gears up to enter the scene, and this time, it’s Path to Nowhere, a title that features elements from the gacha, strategy, and RPG genres to bring you a thrilling adventure through tower defence and real-time battles. The worldwide release of the game follows its initial launch in China, where the title topped the charts.

If the idea of diving into a world inspired by Cyberpunk, Suicide Suad, X-Men, and Prison Break appeals to you, you might want to sign up for Path to Nowhere pre-registration, which also happens to secure you a number of rewards such as limited edition costumes. Of course, it’s no use just saving the world. You have to look amazing too.

In Path to Nowhere, you’re in charge of MBCC (the Minos Bureau of Crisis Control), where you must recruit and deploy beings known as sinners, who must fight against mania – a human body mutation that causes a mental disorder within those afflicted by it. Naturally, there’s a range of different classes that the characters fall into, and it’s up to you to strategise and select the right sinners for the job.

Furthermore, as you might discover throughout the campaign, each character has their own personality and background, which essentially turns them into the killing machine before you.

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Where can I sign up for Path to Nowhere pre-registration?

To pre-register for Path to Nowhere, head over to the App Store or Google Play.

Path to Nowhere release date speculation

For the time being, we don’t know the global release date for Path to Nowhere, but it’s expected to hit mobile devices later this year.

Should you need something to keep you busy in the meantime, our best mobile RPGs list is full of adventures for you to embark on.