Marvel Snap nerfs clip Zabu’s claws and slow down Silver Surfer

Until recently you couldn’t start a game of Marvel Snap without encountering Zabu or Silver Surfer, but these new nerfs aim to change that

Marvel Snap nerfs: Card art for Zabu (a sabertooth tiger) and the Silver Surfer pasted onto a blurred image of the Marvel Snap patch notes image.

In its first card update outside of a patch, Second Dinner has introduced Marvel Snap nerfs to two of the current meta’s most defining cards. Second Dinner game designer Glenn Jones took to the CCG’s website to explain the rationale behind making changes to Zabu and Silver Surfer.

Jones’ blog post alluded to the fact that these two cards had become so prevalent in the current Marvel Snap meta that they were almost considered essential in every deck. Given that both of these cards were initially exclusively available from the paid season pass, the game was heading towards becoming ‘pay-to-win’. In Jones’ words, “It’s awesome to see individual cards succeed, but we need that success to exist within a spectrum that also allows many other cards to flourish.”

The blog post also clarifies that these nerfs aren’t intended to completely get rid of Zabu and Silver Surfer from the meta, “just give other cards more room.” The changes affect both cards’ stats and card text, making them slightly weaker than they were at release.

What are the details of the Marvel Snap nerfs?

Zabu has changed from a 3/2 to a 2/2 and its card text now reads ‘Ongoing: Your 4-Cost cards cost 1 less. (minimum 1)’.

Silver Surfer is now a 3/2 instead of a 3/0 and its card text reads ‘On Reveal: Give your other 3-Cost cards +2 Power’.

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That’s everything you need to know about the Marvel Snap nerfs. If you want some advice on what decks to play, check out our Marvel Snap decks list.