We like Dylan Cuthbert’s idea for a Marvel-style Star Fox movie

Dylan Cuthbert has some suggestions on what he’d like to see from a Star Fox movie, and we’re more than happy to jump on board with it.

Star Fox Marvel movie: Rocket raccoon sneaking into the star fox character lineup

Dylan Cuthbert has a great idea for a future Nintendo IP movie adaptation, and he’s taken to Twitter to air his thoughts, stating: “If Nintendo is going to start making movies I’d love to see Star Fox treated the same way as Guardians of the Galaxy”.

He goes on to say that a mix of CG characters and real footage would work, especially with a script of the same quality (with plenty of humour thrown in). If anyone is going to tackle Star Fox to bring it back into the spotlight, we agree that this is definitely how it should be done.

For those who aren’t sure who Dylan Cuthbert is and why he has any authority to talk about potential Nintendo movies, he’s the CEO of Q-Games and co-founder of BitSummit. Oh, and he’s also the lead developer on four different Star Fox games – so, he has some jurisdiction over how Star Fox should appear on the big screen.

Since the release of the Super Mario Movie and its well-earned success, fans, players, and creators alike are eager for any hints at further Nintendo movies that may come to fruition.

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Imagine it: a whole universe of likely unrelated Nintendo movies that are good and fun standalone movies. An anime Zelda film would go down a storm, or a Pixar-like Pikmin debut. Oh, the possibilities are endless.

For now, we have no other confirmed movies coming from Miyamoto and co, but we do have Tears of the Kingdom pre-orders to secure and thoughts about a Sims Nintendo Switch version