A Counter-Strike 2 mobile port may be possible

There may be a Counter Strike 2 mobile port on the way, if some Twitter sleuths' console-command digging is to be believed, though these may just be leftovers.

Counter-Strike 2 mobile - two silhouetted soldiers on a white and orange background. They Bothe have glowing red goggles and long rifles.

Valve has announced Counter-Strike 2, “the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike’s history,” according to the games website, and immediately Twitter archaeologists are digging to find if there are any secrets.

One user, aquaismissing, shared two screenshots on Twitter. One shows a line of code with the mention of ‘other platforms etc’ and ‘mobile’, while the other shows a list of console commands with the mention of mobile as well.

Fellow Twitter user gabefollower corroborates these mentions, though they follow up with another tweet to temper expectations. “These strings and console commands may simply be leftovers from other games, but they are not exist [sic] in Dota 2 or the Aperture Desk Job. But they do exist in Dota Underlords and Artifact (games that were actually developed with iOS and Android in mind).”

So, the mentions of mobile may just be leftovers – and there’s little other evidence out there to say whether they are or aren’t. We’ll just have to wait and see whether a Counter-Strike 2 mobile port is possible – and while we wait, check out the Counter-Strike 2 trailer below.

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For more beyond Counter-Strike 2 mobile rumours, check out all the latest from GDC with Dot Big Bang’s Nintendo approach to safety, Fortnite Creative’s UEFN addition taking on Roblox, and all the rest from State of Unreal 2023 in our roundup.