FM23 mobile guide

Football Manager 23 once again gets a phone version for iOS and Android, with FM23 mobile letting you live out your footie dreams no matter where you go

FM23 Mobile art showing a man in purple football kit holding a small flag walking out of a tunnel from between the stands on the pitch.

FM23 mobile is a great distillation of the world’s most famous spreadsheet simulation game, Football Manager. While full-fat Football Manager has so many minutiae it feels like doing your taxes while wearing spandex-nylon sports leggings, FM23 mobile is like paying for your taxes to be done through an accounting application.

So, we’ve got a guide to downloading FM23 mobile and the new features therein. Once you’ve got your footie fill, check out our other athletic guides like FIFA 23 World Cup, FIFA 23 ratings, and FIFA 23 OTW for all the latest info on EA’s biggest sports sim.

Anyway, here’s our FM23 mobile guide:

How do I perform an FM23 mobile download?

To download FM23 mobile on iOS, follow the steps below:

  • Head to the FM23 Mobile App Store page
  • Hit download and wait a bit

To download FM23 mobile on Android, follow the steps below:

  • Head to the FM23 Mobile Google Play page
  • Hit download and wait a bit
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What are the new FM23 mobile features?

There are a handful of new features in FM23 mobile, which you can check out below.

FM23 mobile team talks

For the first time in the series, you can now have a pre-match or mid-game chat with the team to try and raise their morale. You can also share chats with specific players, praising or scolding them based on their performance.

FM23 mobile development hub

The development hub lets you manage the younger players in the team, bringing youth stars up to the forefront to focus on nurturing their ability. This can be by loaning them out or giving them extra training, you can build your squad’s stars of the future.

FM23 mobile manager focus

The manager profile now has more details on your styles, whether it be in a team talk, formations, or specific traits in the way you work. Always get a good deal? Then you may gain the ‘savvy with transfers’ trait. Never won a trophy? That may be a negative trait until you do.

FM23 mobile UEFA club competitions

FM23 mobile receives the UEFA license for the first time, with the Champions League, Europa League, Europa Conference League, and Super Cup all coming to the game. Whether it’s winning the biggest international competition with your league side, or gaining respect through the lower ranks, things are more realistic than ever.

FM23 mobile recruitment improvements

Whether you’re trying to buy, sell, loan out, or loan in a player, the system has been reworked to make it easier than ever. Clubs have realistic expectations – and expect you to have them too – while players’ ambitions may get in the way of an unwanted transfer.

There’s also the FMFC integration, bringing some exclusive member’s club treats to the pitch, as well as the introduction of Interim Managers and changing referee strictness based on different decisions from football authorities.

That’s all you need to know about FM23 mobile for now. For more, check out our FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, FIFA 23 career mode, and FIFA 23 crossplay.