Dead by Daylight crossplay – how to widen your pool of victims (or friends)

Games are always better with friends, and Dead by Daylight crossplay allows you to join players from all over the world regardless of which platform they use

Dead by Daylight's the Trapper

Dead by Daylight is a 4v1 online survival horror game. You have two choices when entering a trial, serve The Entity as a murderous psychopath, or attempt to defy the odds and escape with your life as one of four survivors. The game has been around for years, and over time, more and more characters, and killers, have made their way to the title, including legends such as Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jill Valentine, Cheryl Mason, and more.

No matter what killer, or survivor, you choose, you’re going to play this game with other people. So, let’s ask the all-important question, is Dead by Daylight crossplay a thing? The short answer is yes, good thing too, because who wants to be limited in what victims are available to them. Or buddies, but we think playing as a killer is more fun.

Speaking of which, if you’re unsure which maniacal being to play as, we have a Dead by Daylight killers guide detailing their powers, weapons, and perks. We also dive a little into their lore, just in case you’re curious as to why they’re so homicidal. Some have valid reasons. Others are being a bit dramatic if we’re honest. Or, if you’re in the mood for a different kind of scare, you can check out our picks for the best mobile horror games here.

Dead by Daylight crossplay

Dead by Daylight crossplay wasn’t always a thing, but it is now, meaning you can join other players across multiple platforms. So be you a Switch, PC, Xbox, or PlayStation player, you can attempt survival together. It’s always nice to play with friends regardless of which hardware you use.

However, you do need to enable the feature, which is simple enough:

  • Fire up the game
  • Head to the options button at the bottom of the screen
  • Select the online section
  • Crossplay pops up, and you can toggle it on or off, as you please

We should point out that mobile players can’t join other platforms, but iOS and Android players can play together.

Dead by Daylight's The Trickster

How to add new Dead by Daylight friends

Now that you’re playing with your buddies on other platforms, you might want to add them as a friend in Dead by Daylight, making it that much easier to start a match together. Fortunately, adding friends is simple:

  • Start the game
  • Hit the friends button at the bottom of the screen
  • Select the add friends button
  • Input a player ID
  • Hit ‘invite a friend’

There you have it, everything you need to know about Dead by Daylight crossplay. To learn more about the game, visit our Dead by Daylight characters guide, and grab some freebies with our Dead by Daylight codes list.

Or, If you need a break from all the horror, you can check out our picks for the best mobile platformers or best Switch platformers here.