Harvestella Conellu Dolls

Harvestella Conellu Dolls are collectibles that you find dotted around the game's world. Let's take a look at what you use them for, and where can you find more

Harvestella Conellu Dolls - a Conellu merchant in Lethe

While exploring the twisting paths of Higan’s Canyon or Heaven’s Egg, you may have come across a Harvestella Conellu Doll sitting at the side of a road. The game makes it clear that these little collectibles are valuable in some way, but what exactly are they used for, and where can you find more? Let’s take a look.

For more help with Square Enix’s JRPG slash farming sim, check out our Harvestella machines, Harvestella bomb, Harvestella cooking, and Harvestella crafting guides. We’ve also got all the details on the different Harvestella jobs you can try and the cool Harvestella characters you can meet.

What are Harvestella Conellu Dolls?

Harvestella Conellu Dolls are collectibles you can find scattered around the world, and they look pretty reminiscent of Final Fantasy’s Vivi. They’re usually tucked away in nooks and crannies off the main path in dungeons. The in-game valuable entry describes them as ‘fallen dolls found in a variety of places’, and suggests that ‘maybe something good will happen if you collect them’.

A Harvestella Conellu Doll on the valuables screen in-game

What do Harvestella Conellu Dolls do?

Conellu Dolls are actually a type of special currency that you can use to purchase items from Chief Conellu. Chief Conellu randomly spawns across Harvestella’s world, so be sure to keep an eye out. Currently, we’ve only seen Chief Conellu sell the arched green fence recipe, but we presume they’ll offer more recipes and items as we progress through the game.

Harvestella Conellu Doll locations

So far, we’ve found one Conellu Doll in each location and dungeon we’ve visited. They’re pretty easy to spot as long as you’re sure to check out the entire map, but, in case you’re struggling, here are all of the Conellu Doll locations we’ve found up to this point.

  • Higan Canyon – to the east of the main entrance, near a tree root to the south of the ruins
  • Bird’s Eye Brae (your farm) – behind a large rock blocking a path. Use a level one bomb to access it
  • Njord Steppe – near the Motus Monlite closest to the Nemea village exit
  • Heaven’s Egg – in a branch leading off the main path about half way through the first area
  • Nemea Village – behind the orphanage

And that’s all we’ve got on Harvestella Conellu Dolls for now. If you’re done catching dolls and want to reel in a prize catch, check out our Harvestella fishing guide. Or, if you want to unwind after a long day of harvesting, check out our Netflix download and Hulu download guides.