How to cancel Amazon Prime

If you need a handy guide on how to cancel Amazon Prime, we’ve got all the information you need so that you can save some pennies in a few simple steps.

How to cancel Amazon Prime: The Amazon Prime Video logo is visible, though it is covered by a large red circle with a line through it. This is all against a yellow background

Look, there are far too many streaming services now, and sometimes you have to choose. Maybe you’re done with Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power for a bit, and want to save money until the next season of The Boys. Well, I’m right there with you, so let’s go through how to cancel Amazon Prime and Video. After all, we could all do with some more spending money now and again.

We know that technology can be overwhelming, so we also have a huge library of great guides here to help out curious folks. For more helpful tips, be sure to head on over to our articles covering how to turn off live photos, how to delete Netflix profiles, how to turn off Siri, how to charge Nintendo Switch controllers, and how to cancel Audible.

Alright, folks, let’s dive into our guide covering how to cancel Amazon Prime.

How do I cancel Amazon Prime? 

If you’re looking to cancel your Amazon Prime membership, luckily, it’s quite easy, so just follow these steps:

  • Log into your Amazon account
  • Head to your Amazon Prime membership
  • Select Manage, Update, Cancel, and More
  • Select End Membership
  • On the next page, select Continue to Cancel
  • You have ended your Amazon Prime membership!
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How do I cancel Amazon Prime Video? 

Amazon Prime Video is a part of the Amazon Prime package, included with all the other extras. To cancel Amazon Prime Video, you simply follow the instructions above to cancel Amazon Prime. As it’s part of the deal, it’s not possible to specifically cancel Amazon Prime Video. You must cancel your entire subscription to Amazon Prime to end your payments.

Well, hopefully, this guide on how to cancel Amazon Prime helps you out, and you can save some extra money for chocolate, amiibo, or whatever else you fancy! If you need even more tech tips, be sure to check out our guides covering how to cancel Apple TV, how to cancel Disney Plus, Netflix download, and how to cancel Netflix.