How to cancel Amazon Music

With our how to cancel Amazon Music guide, you can give it up, you can let it down, you can run around, and desert the service to save some pennies

The Amazon Music logo behind a no entry sign on a yellow background

If you’ve had enough of Amazon’s various subscriptions and prefer to use other services, our how to cancel Amazon Music guide can help you escape with some extra cash each month, which you can then use for the likes of Spotify or Apple Music should you still be after some tunes to listen to.

We also have how to cancel Apple TV, how to cancel Audible, how to cancel Spotify, how to cancel Disney Plus, and how to cancel Netflix guides should you want a clean break from all the services you use.

Anyway, here’s how to cancel Amazon Music.

How do I cancel Amazon Music?

  • Go to Amazon Music
  • Select settings
  • Go to the Amazon Music Unlimited section
  • Tap cancel
  • Hit confirm

There you have it, all you need to know on how to cancel Amazon Music. If you’re after a different service to find some songs on, our Spotify download and YouTube Music download guides can help you out.