It Takes Two unites couples through Better Together Experience

EA encourages couples to take a page from Dr Hakim’s Book of Love and work together in the heartfelt It Takes Two Better Together Experience

It Takes Two Better Together - Cody and May stood in front of a clock face

In celebration of the recent release of co-op adventure game It Takes Two on Switch, EA decided to take a page out of Dr. Hakim’s Book of Love by inviting couples to participate in the ‘Better Together Experience’.

With a recent survey confirming that 50% of participating couples worry about relationship boredom, and 56% believe that other couples have more fun, the Better Together Experience sought to put Dr Hakim’s teachings of cooperation and working together to the test. Stepping into the doll-sized shoes of Cody and May, as they find themselves having to work through their marital problems in hopes of getting back to their real bodies and, in turn, their beloved daughter.

In preparation for the Better Together Experience, EA commissioned an online survey to be conducted by market research company OnePoll, taking a sample of 1,850 US and 1,540 UK adults in a relationship. The survey found that:

  • 61% of respondents are regularly or always using their smartphone when spending time with their partner/spouse
  • 59% of respondents said their partner seems distracted all or most of the time when they’re spending time together
  • Respondents said they would be willing to give up social media (33%), tasty food (23%), and sleep (21%) to have more time with their partner, and 16% even said they would be willing to sacrifice a limb in return for more quality time with their partner

It Takes Two Better Together experience - Rose pointing to a page in the Book of Love saying 'Love is work'

However, on the positive side, 61% of US respondents said that playing video games together has a positive effect on their relationship. Chloe Dubini, EA Originals Brand Manager and Marketing Lead, highlighted that ‘compared to passive pastimes like watching TV or streaming services, playing a co-op game like It Takes Two cannot be done without fully engaging in the moment. This creates a dynamic where couples can truly enjoy their time together while unknowingly working on their collaboration and communication skills.’

With the architecture of It Takes Two being so heavily ingrained in co-op gameplay, and the themes striking a chord so close to home for many couples, the Better Together Experience saw couples truly put their ability to listen to each other and work together to the test. As one participant stated, ‘it’s definitely been a positive experience. It’s quite rare and special to have a game where you do work together. There are lots of times when you can’t do anything unless you listen to the other person.’

You can watch the full It Takes Two Experience video, as directed by Toby Dye of RSA films, here. If you want to take a step towards working together in this moving co-op adventure this holiday season, check out our It Takes Two Switch review. You can also read more about the game, its development, and its journey to Switch in our It Takes Two interview.